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Wednesday 17 June 2009

Activity for Last day of 2nd term of schooLdays

As our activity during the Last day of 2nd term schooLdays, we had a trip to Merimbun Heritage Lake which is Less than 10km from our schooL...
This trip was joined by our headmaster, Cikgu Ghazli bin Hj Umar..Once there, the museum tech expLained to us about what Merimbun Heritage Lake is aLL about...
The pupiLs visited the gaLLery which dispLays animaLs which can be found in this area and some products by the LocaLs..Outside the gaLLeria, we can see the breathtaking view of Merimbun Lake..
The teachers and Years 2 - 6 pupiLs joined the jungLe waLking aLong Banunih TraiL which Lasted for 45 minutes...
After visiting the gaLLeria, we went to the Lake itseLf for Lunch and reLaxing ourseLves whiLe waiting for some pupiLs who took the chance to went across the LocaL-made bridge Lead by Cikgu Lim Kian Chai...
Thanks to those from Merimbun Heritage Lake gaLLeria and the rangers...We reaLLy appreciate your cooperation...